Ambassador Zhang Lianyun hosted a reception for his assumption of office
2012-08-15 17:52
        On August 14, Ambassador Zhang Lianyun hosted a reception for his assumption of office at Cliff Rainbow Hotel in Pohnpei. Vice President Alik, Deputy Secretary for Foreign Affairs Samson Pretrick, Secretary for Education, Secretary for Transportation, Communication and Infrastructure, Secretary for Health and Social Affairs and other National Government officials, Senators from the National Congress and Pohnpei State Legislature, Heads of Diplomatic Missions, the local Chinese residents and businessmen, as well as around 100 other guests attended the reception. Ambassador Zhang and Deputy Secretary Pretrick made remarks respectively.

        Ambassador Zhang said that he will exert all his efforts to enhance the friendship between the two peoples, and to develop the friendly relations and cooperation between China and the FSM.

        Deputy Secretary Pretrick welcomed Ambassador Zhang assuming the post on behalf of the FSM Government. He hoped that Ambassador Zhang could regard FSM as his second hometown and have a good stay in the FSM.
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