Remarks by Ambassador Zhang Weidong at the Welcoming Reception in Honor of the Chinese Wushu Delegation to the FSM
2011-08-25 12:29
        The Chinese Wushu Delegation headed by Mr. He Qinglong, the Vice Chairman of Chinese Wushu Association arrived at and started their visit to the FSM on August 24th. The Ambassador of People's Republic of China to the Federated States of Micronesia, His Excellency Zhang Weidong held a welcoming reception in the evening. His Honorable Vice President Alik Alik and other distinguished guests from the national and state government of Pohnpei of the FSM attended the reception. Ambassador Zhang, Acting Secretary Kandhi Elieisar and Mr. He made remarks respectively. The full text of the remarks by Ambassador Zhang is as follows:




(August 24, 2011)

        Thank you for coming. At the outset, please allow me to extend my sincere respect to the traditional leaders in Pohepei and all over the Federated States of Micronesia.

        We are very happy to welcome the China Wushu Delegation headed by Mr. He Qinglong, Vice President of Chinese Wushu Association, while the Guangdong Art Troup's performances still remain fresh in our memory. In China, there is a saying goes, "relatives become more family-like by frequent reunion and friends become more intimate by regular visits". I am sure it will be another important event promoting our close relationship.

        Whenever there is a Chinese delegation coming here, the government and people of the Federated States of Micronesia, and the state of Pohnpei in particular, have always been very kind to receive and extend great assistance. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratefulness to all of you for your efforts, including the FSM Olympic Committee, the Micronesia-China Friendship Association and so on.  With the support of the government and people of the FSM and the government and people of the state of Pohnpei the visit by the Wushu Delegation will be as successful as all the other visits by the Chinese delegations.

        You have watched Chinese acrobatic performances and Chinese folk dances in the past. This time you will find that the wushu show is quite different and unique. And I would like to point out that the Wushu Delegation with us today now is a special one. The year 2011 marks the 40th anniversary of China's membership in the United Nations. In order to celebrate this historic moment, the United Nations invited the Chinese Wushu Championship Team, for a performance in front of the members of the United Nations. All of these athletes are top ones and some are renowned Wushu masters and stars in China. They were invited to New York to showcase to the world's leaders a true gem of China. And today this real delegation has come to the FSM, having successfully performed in New York. We are lucky to share the same top grade performances with the representatives of the member states of the United Nations.

        Wushu, popularly known as kung fu or martial arts, originated in China more than 4,000 years ago. It is time-honored, rich in content and diversified in forms. During the process of its gradual improvement and development in modern times, wushu has been basically separated from military skills. With attack and defense as its basic movements and the Chinese traditional culture as its background, wushu has become both an art of strength and grace as well as a healthy sport. Some of the Wushu practices are good for all ages and gender. For example, Taijiquan is a kind of practice with slow movement but internal strength and grace. It is a very popular healthy sport or physical exercise in China. Wushu is well-known both at home and abroad. In 2008, the International Olympic Committee agreed to organize the Beijing Olympic Games Wushu Tournament. Wushu will be considered for inclusion in the 2020 Summer Olympics Games.

        Mr. Willfried Lemke, the special adviser to the UN Secretary General once said, "Sport unites people of all social classes, cultures and religions in a positive and educational way." The ChinaWushu Delegation will entertain us with two good will shows in the following two days in the FSM-China Friendship Sport Center under the theme of "Peace, Friendship and Health". Their performances will bring joyfulness and healthiness to the people of the FSM and help the audiences to have a better understanding of Chinese Wushu.

        In closing, I would like to propose a toast

        To the successful visit and performance of the Chinese wushu Delegation,

        To the closer ties and stronger relations of China and the FSM,

        To the good health and happiness of everyone present here,

        Cheers! Ganbei!

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